Anti-Intellectual Semantics
Not too long ago, I read a Twitter comment by one of the luminaries behind the ScalaZ functional programming (FP) framework which said:
Scalaz 8’s competition is NOT Scalaz 7/Cats/etc. “No one’” uses these. The real competition is non-FP in Scala, i.e. 99% of the market.
Obviously this comment is hyperbole, but on the surface it makes no sense. Anyone with even the slightest acquaintance with Scala is aware that Martin Odersky created this language with the intention that it allow programmers to use both the OOP and FP paradigms. Odersky himself evangelizes the functional programming aspects of Scala in his books, courses, lectures and talks about Scala.
The details of the comment make it clear that what the author is claiming, is that the vast majority of Scala programmers are not doing the right sort of FP programming, viz. pure FP, and the new version (8) of the ScalaZ framework might help move the meter.
This comment, which reflects an attitude found among many pure FP luminaries in the Scala and Haskell communities, sounds snobbish and is, I believe, detrimental to the broader adoption of FP. When I made this point to the poster, someone labelled the comment “anti-intellectual”. In similar discussions, my attitude was dismissed as quibbling about “semantics”.
Social media like Twitter and Gitter are not the best places to have such a discussion. Hence I decided to write a longer piece about what FP is, what pure FP is, why it faces challenges in being adopted, how snobbish-sounding comments add to the challenge, and finally, what can be done about those challenges. This first part focuses on trying to get a grip on what FP/pure FP is and why it is so important.
So What is Functional Programming (FP)?
The core of being a software programmer is writing a set of instructions to get the damn computer to do what you want it to do. Computer operations at their lowest level are mostly about moving bits of data around in registers and XOR and XANDing them. The human brain does not naturally think about solving problems in this way.
So from the earliest days of computer usage, computer scientists and engineers have worked at developing abstractions for these operations, encapsulating these in programming languages to make the life of programmers easier. Over time these abstractions have formed several alternative paradigms for programming languages.
The most basic of these paradigms, and the one nearly every programmer learns first, is the imperative paradigm. This paradigm abstracts out the bits being moved through registers in the computer hardware by encapsulating data in data structures. We then use a set of high level logical constructs (if, while, for, etc.) to write algorithms to get the computer to manipulate the data in the data structures to do what we want it to do. Essentially, however, we are still looking at the problem from the computer’s perspective. The recipe or set of instructions (commands––hence imperative) we give it is not the way we humans would naturally think about the problem.
One of the first things every programmer learns about are functions. These are chunks of code that can be named and referenced in other parts of the program that can do “things”. Functions come out of another paradigm known as structured programming. As computer software was used to solve more complex and larger problems, imperative programming just didn’t work well. The core idea of structured programming is to divide and conquer––decompose the problem into smaller and smaller parts, which are encapsulated in functions. Then use these parts to compose bigger and bigger components, and thereby solve the whole problem more easily.
The problem with structured programming is that it doesn’t really give you much guidance on what is the best way to decompose your problem. That’s where object-oriented programming (OOP) comes into the picture. OOP is all about modeling your software program on the business domain. Essentially objects in your problem domain (e.g. customers, products, orders) are encapsulated in data structures with the same names. Associated with those data structures are a bunch of functions or operations that model operations in the business domain. We then tie the whole system together by having these components (objects) use these operations to give commands to each other (e.g. a customer tells the store to place an order). This type of abstraction makes it a whole lot easier for humans to think about the problem.
Perhaps OOP has taken us too far from computer-centric thinking. Once we have modeled the business domain, we are left with the problem of how to bridge the conceptual gap back to computer operations. OOP proponents developed what are known as patterns, essentially a bunch of heuristics, meant to guide programmers in bridging the gap between the domain model and the software architecture and implementation details. But these heuristics are not hard and fast rules. Moreover, there are so many of them, it’s impractical to remember them all or really know when and how to properly apply them. In fact, despite having developed and taught a course on OOP, for the most part I never use patterns except at the highest levels of design. Finally, underneath the hood, OOP is still using imperative & structured paradigms, with all their limitations.
Ultimately, what we really want is an abstraction that uses a well known and natural human cognitive model for problem solving that provides precise and exact (formal) guidance on how to address common computational problems. Fortunately, we have such a cognitive model: it’s called mathematics! So it would be great if we could develop a paradigm which applies mathematical ideas and tools to writing programs. That is the essence of what the functional programming paradigm is all about!
In olden times, computer operations were called data processing because at the most fundamental level, what we want the computer to do is transform one set of a data into another set of data. It’s a shame this name has fallen out of favor to information technology. Data processing is still a useful way to describe even the coolest new tech like blockchain. And data processing is actually a core aspect of what the functional programming paradigm is all about. Instead of thinking about the problem from the domain’s perspective a la OOD, we think about the problem as a data transformation. And the way we humans have done data transformations long before computers were invented, is through mathematical functions.
Despite the similarity in name, standard programming functions aren’t exactly what the word functional in the phrase is referring to. Rather, it is referring to the mathematical definition of a function, which in a very loose way may be defined as a “process” of some sort that takes values from one set (called the domain) and associates (maps) those values to another set (called the range). Another way to describe a mathematical function is a transformation of a set of inputs into a set of outputs. To start, you look at your business domain and analyze the data flows. Then to do functional programming you need to think about your problem in terms of a pipeline of mathematical functions. You start with your initial data and make it input to a function that transforms it. The output of this function is the input to the next function and so on––hence the term pipeline. The output at the end of the pipeline is data in the final form you want it!
I would argue that it’s likely that 99% of programmers (and not just Scala programmers) are, at least some of the time, already doing and enjoy doing FP in the way I described it above! They just may not know that what they are doing is called FP.
First, nearly all programmers today know at least the basics of the Bash shell. As part of that, nearly every programmer has written or at least seen and understood a simple bash pipeline like this:
ls -al | grep ".png" | wc -l
Ok, right there I’ve written a functional program! I’m willing to bet you have too! Ask anyone why they like using the Bash shell, and command pipelines will surely be in the top 2 reasons cited. It’s a fun, useful and easy way to get at the data you need.
One of the most popular NoSQL databases available today is MongoDB. I can’t prove this, but I’m willing to argue that one of the main reasons it became so popular is its aggregation framework. People with many years of SQL experience tend to make fun of the aggregation framework “(said in sarcastic Foamy voice) : Oh I could do those 10 lines so much easier in one SQL statement!” But the aggregation framework is essentially a functional pipeline, it is easy and fun to use, and a very natural way to extract and transform data in a document database.
Finally wrapping back around to the claim about Scala programmers not doing FP: ask your typical Scala programmer (even the “better Java” crowd) what they like about the language and they will almost surely say the ability to transform data in a functional pipeline. Here is a simple example from Stackoverflow of taking a set of products and creating a new set with only unique values on e.g. the product model:
.groupBy(.1) // produces MapProduct, Map\[Int, Product]
.filter {case (k,v) => v.size == 1} // filters unique values
.flatMap {case (,v) => v}
Perhaps it is true that very new Scala programmers don’t do this, but very quickly almost all Scala programmers begin to think this way and find it fun, productive and relatively easy to do.
The Purity Ring
The description above which shows FP to be “fun, productive and relatively easy to do” leaves out a clear explanation of FP’s most important advantage—it’s precision! That aspect leads us to pure FP.
A core principle inherent in the definition of mathematical functions is that every time you use the same inputs on a mathematical function, you will always get, and only get, the exact same singular output. Part of what guarantees this is that in the course of your calculations, variables are immutable. Once you assign them a value, that value can’t change. The other part that guarantees this it that functions only make changes locally and don’t effect, or can’t be effected by variables other than the inputs. Hence we can reliably substitute any expression for its equivalent value. This is known as referential transparency (the infamous purity).
If we could impose these requirements on our program’s functions, we can always know exactly how they will perform no matter how many times they are run. We can reason about the logic flow and be confident our programs will perform as advertised, without even testing. Essentially they would be bug free! We would be able to quote the famous line in Edsger Dijkstra’s preface to his A Discipline of Programming: “None of the programs in this monograph, needless to say, has been tested on a machine.”
Unfortunately such programs wouldn’t be very useful for most data processing systems applications. Since we don’t have total control of our inputs, we can’t demand that our functions always provide exact outputs. We have to deal with getting partial results, or results with an unknown range or even error results. Similarly, we can’t demand that our functions only provide specific results. Sometimes we want to be able to log whats going on, or send notifications to other processes over and above the output of the function. And of course state mutation is often a requirement of what we need to do.
All these situations describe bumps in the road to data processing as a clean chain of pure mathematical functions. These bumps are also known as effects. If not handled properly, these effects become side effects, i.e. computations that break referential transparency. Essentially this means that the results of our program are neither predictable nor consistent.
But FP in it’s most developed form has precise formal tools for dealing with effects so that we can handle them in ways consistent with and conforming to the principles of mathematical functions. Moreover there are only a relatively limited number of effects that we need to deal with, and these same effects repeat themselves in all data processing systems, no matter what the business domain. So the number of patterns we need to learn are far more limited than in OOD. Most importantly the tools we have to deal with these patterns are mathematically precise and can be (and are) encapsulated in programming frameworks.
Why are formal methods so important? In this article I wrote years ago, I poke a bit of fun at Dijkstra’s claim and make a bold claim of my own: “Constructing programs as proofs (as formal methodologists demand) is not likely to happen in our lifetime.” I stand by this statement.
However, I also point out that I am proud to have worked on Statemate which is a tool to help programmers apply formal thinking to the specification of reactive systems. One of the customers who used Statemate was developing a high-speed train. By formally specifying the logic of opening the doors on the train, they were able to discover a flaw that would have caused the doors to open while the train was traveling at highest speeds.
“Real” functional programming, more correctly called pure functional programming, is a paradigm that allows us to apply formal approaches to the actual code we write. Being able to formally reason about our systems, even if we don’t formally prove them, is hugely important. It helps make our systems more consistent, reliable and predictable. In fact, it can save lives. This is orders of magnitude more important and useful than vague notions like “fun and productive”.
An enormous amount of work has been done over the past 15 years since I wrote that article, to make using formal methods through functional programming far easier and more accessible than in the past. Given it’s importance and benefits, why isn’t the whole programming world rushing to adopt these pure FP tools and languages?
Find out in the next post.